Friday, September 19, 2008

AZ Community Charity Garage Sale

I was looking at the benefit blog section on yesterday afternoon and saw that Carolyn (who I did not know at the time) was doing a fundraising garage sale next Saturday about ten minutes from my house. I realized this was my chance to get into ACTION.

I added some pictures and info to the flier and contacted Carolyn and told her I was on board to help pass the word up here in Mesa about the "Garage Sale."

My daughters, Madeline and Gabriella, watched as I made my blog last night and asked if they could pass out fliers to all the kids at their Montessori School the next day. They fell asleep on the couch as it ended up being a very late night. (They are used to me pulling those hours from the years my sister, Amanda, and I owned a scrapbook manufacturing company. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.)
I managed to get them to school this morning and spent this morning writing a letter to go on the back of the flier, as it will be going to homes that are within a house to a few miles from where Christian grew up and where C & S lived before they bought their Mesa house.

I spent an hour at Kinkos, printing up 100 color copies of the flier to put in local store windows tomorrow and 300 b/w copies to take to people's home.
Twenty-five minutes before school got out I remembered the girls wanted me to have the fliers there to pass out today. They were so excited to help and I did not want to disappoint them.

I raced over to the school, counting out sets of 25 at the red lights, happened to catch the director, Tammy Whiting, in her office to get approvl to pass them out (luckily she knows the Nielson family and was happy to be able to help), and ran room to room to get all 200 fliers in the hands of the teachers before school let out!
I was skipping to my car as I thought of my girls' smiles when I came into their rooms. Mom had come through! And mostly because I just got 200 fliers out to great families in a matter of minutes!

Tonight my family and I will start to take the fliers to homes in our area and tomorrow we'll take them to stores.

I hope this becomes an overwhelming week because of all the response.

Wouldn't that be a WONDERFUL problem to have?! =)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I am amazed at your talents and your love for other people. You are inspiring. I will definately help make cookies for the auction. Let me know what kind and when you need them!